Sheng Jiaping

Dr.Sheng Jiaping

Current Position:

1.Teach at Texas Tech  University, USA

2.Cooperate and teach  in SWPU

Member of  professional organizations:

1.Vietnam (USA) Journal  Editors "elite group of the society of Petroleum Engineers (A Peer  Apart" members) (SPE) (2009) (USA)

2.former vice chief  editor of journal Engineer (SPEREE) (2005-2008) ELSEVIER

3.deputy editor of  Petroleum Science and technology periodicals (2008 - 2011)

4.Secretary of the  Kuwait Petroleum Association (1998 - 1999)

Research Areas:
 shale oil and gas  development, enhanced oil recovery, reservoir numerical simulation, test  pressure analysis
 National/provincial/university  awards:

1.two SPE Technology  Award (southwest) (20132015)

2.a Fulbright award to  help experts professional construction of Petroleum Engineering University of  Petroleum (2013)

3.the most influential  professor (2015) by students

Educational  Background:
 Doctor Degree, in  Albert University in Canada
 Major Research  Projects:
 influence of  fracturing fluid additives on shale energy production
 Published Works:

1.more than 100 papers

2.two books: (1)  Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery, (2) EOR Field Case Studies

Main Patent:
four U.S. patents

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